New Post!

How to Outsmart Your Fight-Or-Flight Response And Conquer Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Did you know that even though stage fright is instinctual, you can actually trick your brain with an easy mind shift and plenty of practice?

How to Create and Deliver a Persuasive Presentation

I gave 4 solid tips on how to give a persuasive speech on J.T. O’Donnell’s Executive Table Talk—click to watch my segment!

Please don’t do these…

3 Bad Ways to Start a Speech (and What to Do Instead)

Straight from an actor!

4 Fascinating Acting Tricks To Become A Better Public Speaker

Pro Tip

The Mic Is Mightier Than The Voice: Yes, You Need To Use The Microphone!

Downstage, Center:
My Origin Story

From a very young age, I was that kid who loved an audience. Some of my earliest memories involve putting on 'shows' for friends and family. At the age of 3, I couldn't resist the allure of an audience, boldly climbing on the stage of my older brother's kindergarten class performance, simply because I wanted to join the fun. By the time I turned 5, I officially took center stage, clutching a microphone and belting out 'Little Bunny Foo Foo' at my very own class performance.

This early connection to the performing arts is an integral part of my identity. I thrive in the spotlight and possess a genuine passion for public speaking. What's more, I enjoy coaching others to become equally comfortable in the limelight.

Why I Share Public Speaking Wisdom for Free

Wondering why I’m out here sharing my unique take on public speaking? It's because I can’t help myself! I love public speaking SO MUCH that I have an instinctual urge to spread my knowledge far and wide. There’s a transformative power of finding your voice, and I'm here to guide you on the same journey.

Imagine a world where your words captivate, inspire, and resonate with others. That's the vision driving me to become a world-famous speaker, whom millions will have heard speak.

I shouldn’t keep my talents a secret and neither should you! That’s why I'm sharing all the good meaty bits so you can level up, too.

Your voice matters, and unlocking your speaking potential can open doors you never thought possible. Whether it's acing a presentation at work, nailing a job interview, or confidently sharing your ideas, mastering public speaking is a game-changer.

Get empowered to shine in every spotlight life throws your way. Your voice is a gift—be heard!

More public speaking content is currently being formulated in the laboratory!
Check back soon.